The vision of Team Dream Sistas is to have an international community of women of color who connect via shared experiences of training and competing in multi-sport events including triathlons, marathons, road races, open water swimming, cycling, adventure racing, etc. The Dreamers support one and other in accomplishing their goals -- inner and outer, private and public, personal and professional. Many new friendships, professional relationships, and various kindnesses have been created within the team. We believe even more powerful connections have yet to be discovered. We believe that we can have a tangible impact on how our communities view health. The late Art Berg once said, “The Impossible Just Takes A Little Longer.” What we are about is transforming dreams into reality.
Team Dream Sistas was created with the hope of extending the benefits of a multi-sport lifestyle to women of color from all backgrounds, ages, sizes, athletic abilities, and classes.
Our Mission
Team Dream Sistas encourage and support the empowerment, self-actualization, and self-transcendence of women of color through a social and professional network for multisport fitness training and competition.
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