Team Dream Sistas. Raise your game. Enrich your life.

There are 168 hours in a week. Is your life serving you or vice versa? Do you have a network that supports you when you stretch beyond your comfort zone? For a select group of powerful women, Team Dream is that community. Come train with us. Raise Your Game. Enrich Your Life. 

Swim, Bike, Run, Dream & Grow

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Training with Team Dream Sistas, you will learn tohone your swimming, biking, and running skills. You will also become fitter, stronger and wiser. These are the more obvious outcomes. Your Team Dream Sisas membership also offers you opportunities for weekly open-water swimming, Midwestern cycling tours, triathlon workshops, world-class health and fitness speakers, skills clinics, travel opportunities, bike maintenance seminars, equipment, and apparel discounts from national and local vendors, and much more.

Not so obvious is the opportunity to consistently, and positively, surprise yourself. Even less obvious is the power of inspiring your family, colleagues, coworkers, and community. Through your example, others are liberated to take a chance to change and enrich their life.